World Famous Dating App

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28 Famous People On Raya, The Secret Dating App for Celebrities. Illuminati Tinder. Raya is like the hipster, DJ-infested version of Fight Club. The first rule of Raya: You do not talk about Raya. Fairytrail, a dating app for connecting via shared travel destination dreams, has seen a bittersweet increase in use.

The covid-19 it has caused much havoc. One of them – minor evil – is that it has greatly reduced the possibilities of find a partner.

Without discos, concerts or vacations, it is much more hard to find love (or someone to have a good time with) and this scenario has driven the downloads of various dating apps.

The great stars of Hollywood they suffer from these everyday problems too. In the end, the awards season serves as a festival where you meet acquaintances and to know. So, like the rest of the mortals, many celebrities have also resorted to a dating app.

Among its users there are profiles as distinguished as that of Sharon Stone, Channing Tatum, Emilia Clarke, Harry Styles, Cara Delevigne o Ben Affleck, who tried his luck with dating apps after breaking up with actress Ana de Armas.


Conditions to be accepted

The name of the fashion app among celebrities is Raya. It works in a similar way to the known Tinder, but it is exclusive for people who have a public profile, that is, for those who are dedicated to the world of entertainment, music or social networks.

As in real life, accessing this application is just as complicated than to enter the most exclusive club in Los Angeles.

To get started, You can only download the Stripe from iOS (iPhone or Apple devices) and the member invitation that is already part of the community.

After the first test the profile will be reviewed by a committee “Highly qualified” to decide whether to accept the application. The candidate must provide a detailed description of their professional profile as well as the name of your Instagram account to check the number of followers (the higher the number, the greater the probability of being accepted).


Once a user becomes a user, Raya’s policies remain just as strict: no screenshots O mention the app on social media (some members have had their account deleted for committing these offenses). The idea is to keep with the greatest secrecy possible what is cooked from the inside out.

As in Tinder, in Raya you can make a match. However, the difference with the popular application is that you have to speak to the other person in a within 10 days maximum. If you do not do it in that period, the union will be undone. Something like Bumble, app in which the match is deleted after 24 hours.

He was born in 2015 and costs six dollars a month

Although it is now at the peak of its popularity, the truth is that Raya was born in 2015. The goal of its creator, Daniel Gendelman, was to create an application as someone who organizes a intimate dinner thoroughly examined.

World famous dating app

“Why want to go to a party where anyone is admitted when you can go to a party where only the rich and famous go? ”Gendelman noted in an interview with the New York Times.

World Famous Dating App Review

An exclusive and cheap way to find love, it only costs six dollars a monthas long as you belong to the elite.

World Famous Free Dating App
